Everyone who knows me personally is probably laughing at the title of this post. I’ve been a little obnoxious with my belief in the power of positive thinking.
But I will say, we all have moments that solidify our personal beliefs. Moments that prove our intuitive gut is correct. I had one of those moments today. And I am very grateful.
No matter what a situation looks like at first, discover why it is there. Believe with unwavering faith that good things will come from it. More important than anything else, be happy.
I leave you with this awesome quote from Ramana Maharshi. I truly believe every experience we have is a stepping stone toward maintaining happiness. Happiness is already inside all of us.
PS My husband is pretty awesome. 🙂 Love you, Ro.
Love this and YOU!!!! Hope your well. Thank you for sharing. 💕
Thank you, my sweet friend.